I publish articles in internationally renowned scientific journals, conference proceedings, edited books, and popular outlets. You can also find my publications at Google Scholar or Researchgate.
Working Papers
33. Hüllmann, J. A. (seeking collaborators). Beyond the Formal: Drivers of Informal Communication in Enterprise Social Networks.
32. Hüllmann, J. A., & Weritz, P. (2024). Strategic and Operational People Analytics: Reviewing the Dominant Conceptions in Academia and Practice.
31. Hüllmann, J. A., Göritz, L., Hagen, S., Beinke, J. H., & Thomas, O. (2024). Servitization in Automotive: The Digital Transformation of Selling Product-service Systems at a Large German Car Manufacturer.
30. Hüllmann, J. A. (2025). Digital Traces as Measurement Instruments for Variance-Theoretic Research in Information Systems. In Wurm, B., & Mendling, J. (Eds.), Digital Trace Data Research in Information Systems: Foundations, Methods, and Applications. (view)
29. Lansmann, S., Mattern, J., Krebber, S., & Hüllmann, J. A. (2025). The future of working from home: A mixed-methods study with IT professionals to learn from enforced working from home. Information Technology & People, 38(2), 626–659. (view) (download)
28. Hüllmann, J. A., Gollhardt, T., Hermann, A., & Kruse, P. (2024). Data Innovation Explorer: Design of a Data-Driven Business Model Tool. In Proceedings of the 37th Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia. (view) (download)
27. Hüllmann, J. A., Kimathi, K., & Weritz, P. (2024). Large-Scale Agile Project Management in Safety-Critical Industries: A Case Study on Challenges and Solutions. Information Systems Management, 1-23 (in press). *most read paper* (view) (download)
26. Hüllmann, J. A., Göritz, L., Hagen, S., Beinke, J. H., & Thomas, O. (2023). Servitization in Automotive: The Digital Transformation of Selling Product-Service Systems at a Large German Car Manufacturer. In Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Kristiansand, Norway. (download)
25. Hüllmann, J. A., Precht, H., & Wübbe, C. (2023). Configurations of Human-AI Work in Agriculture: Adoption and Use of Intelligent Systems by Agricultural Workers. In Proceedings of the GIL-Jahrestagung 2023, Osnabrück, Germany. (download) (presentation)
24. Gierlich-Joas, M., & Hüllmann, J. A. (2022). Tensions between Affordances and Valuations of People Analytics among Stakeholders. In Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS 2022, International Workshop on The Changing Nature of Work, Copenhagen, Denmark. (download)
23. Hüllmann, J. A. (2022). ExplainableAI for Human-AI Joint Decision-Making in Farming Practice. In Proceedings of the AI@Work Track at Reshaping Work 2022 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (download)
22. Hüllmann, J. A., & Sensmeier, L. W. (2022). No Filter Bubbles? Evidence from an Online Experiment on the News Diversity of Personalizing News Aggregators. In Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Taipai/Sydney, Taiwan/Australia. *Runner-Up for Best Paper Award*. (download) (presentation) (code)
21. Hüllmann, J. A. (2022). Media Choice in the Digital Era: A Replication Study using Digital Traces. In Proceedings of the 35th Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia. (download) (presentation)
20. Hüllmann, J. A. (2022). Reconciling the Debate on People Analytics in Academia and Practice. In Proceedings of the 35th Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia. (download) (presentation)
19. Hüllmann, J. A. (2021). Smarter Work? Promises and Perils of Algorithmic Management in the Workplace Using Digital Traces. Dissertation at the University of Münster. (download) (presentation)
18. Thapa, R., Pankajeshwara, S., Hüllmann, J. A., & Savarimuthu, B. T. R. (2021). Identifying Influence Mechanisms in Permissionless Blockchain Communities: The Bitcoin Case. In Proceedings of the 42nd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Austin, Texas, USA. (download)
17. Hüllmann, J. A., Sivakumar, A., & Krebber, S. (2021). Data Management Platforms: An Empirical Taxonomy. In Proceedings of the 34th Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia. (download) (presentation)
16. Hüllmann, J. A., Krebber, S., & Troglauer, P. (2021). The IT Artifact in People Analytics: Reviewing the Tools to Understand a Nascent Field. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Duisburg-Essen, Germany. (download) (presentation)
15. Mattern, J., Lansmann, S., & Hüllmann, J. A. (2021). Home Office due to COVID-19: It’s not that bad! Enforced Working from Home and Perceived Stress. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Duisburg-Essen, Germany. (download) (presentation)
14. Hüllmann, J. A., & Krebber, S. (2021). Replication Study: Investigating Media Choice and Types of Media Collections of Distributed Workers Using Digital Traces. In Working Papers, Münster, Germany. (download)
13. Hüllmann, J. A. (2020). KONTAKT: Willis Gänseblümchen. In Joschka's short stories. (download) (english)
12. Hüllmann, J. A., & Mattern, J. (2020). Three Issues with the State of People and Workplace Analytics. In Proceedings of the 33rd Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia. (download)
11. Hüllmann, J. A., & Krebber, S. (2020). Identifying Temporal Rhythms using Email Traces. In Proceedings of the America's Conference of Information Systems, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. (view) (download) (presentation) (code)
10. Rothmeier, K., Pflanzl, N., Hüllmann, J. A., & Preuss, M. (2020). Prediction of Player Churn and Disengagement Based on User Activity Data of a Freemium Online Strategy Game. IEEE Transactions on Games, 13(1), 78-88. (view) (download)
9. Hüllmann, J. A. (2019). Geschichten meiner Freunde: Josyp und Uljana. In Joschka's short stories. (download)
8. Hüllmann, J. A. (2019). The Construction of Meaning through Digital Traces. In Proceedings of the Pre-ICIS 2019, International Workshop on The Changing Nature of Work, München, Germany. (download)
7. Badmaeva, T., & Hüllmann, J. A. (2019). Investigating Personalized Price Discrimination of Textile-, Electronics- and General Stores in German Online Retail. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Siegen, Germany. (view) (download) (presentation) (code)
6. Hüllmann, J. A. (2018). Editorial: Crafting Work 2018. In Joschka's unpublished works. (download)
5. Hüllmann, J. A. (2018). About Writing and Journals. Satura, 1(1). (download)
4. Hüllmann, J. A. (2018). A Network Perspective on Collective Media Choice. NITIM 2018 Doctoral Consortium. (download)
3. Hüllmann, J. A., & Kroll, T. (2018). The Impact of User Behaviours on the Socialisation Process in Enterprise Social Networks. In Proceedings of the 29th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Sydney, Australia. (download) (presentation) (code)
2. Klein, S., & Hüllmann, J. A. (2018). Datenkapitalismus akademischer Wissenschaftsverlage. Wirtschaftsdienst, 98(7), 477–480. (view) (download)
1. Hüllmann, J. A. (2017). Measurement of Social Capital in Enterprise Social Networks: Identification and Visualisation of Group Metrics. Master thesis at University of Münster. *Runner-up for best thesis award*. (download) (presentation)